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Hello and welcome to my collection of files about various notable UFO, abduction, crash, and similarly alien-related hoaxes from across human history. These files favor cases from the post-WWII era, as archival efforts and diligent reporting have left a much stronger record of these incidents. Further, many of these cases are from the U.S. and U.K. during the Cold War era (1945-1992). This is for a couple of reasons: firstly, English is my sole fluent language and I am distrustful of machine translations, meaning that finding primary documents detailing the hoaxes is difficult. I would be highly interested in expanding this to other regions of the world provided I can find reliable document translations. As for the chronology, I believe the frequency of falsified alien sightings during this particular period results from an entirely understandable paranoia resulting from the threat of nuclear warfare. As people struggled to rationalize that very real and yet somewhat existential threat, it makes complete logical sense that they would turn to the paranormal, even subconsciously. Because of their connection to the covert government operations within the culture zeitgeist and the generally shady and exploitative nature of those operations within this period, it serves to reason that alien sightings would become extremely common.
This record is not intended to disparage or shame those who believe in extraterrestrials. I myself am a believer, largely because I accept the notion that in a universe as exponentially vast as ours, it would be extremely statistically unlikely for there to be no life in the universe. Nor am I inherently dismissive of those who claim encounters with aliens. Whether they actually had encounters with the unknown or are experiencing effects of other issues, they deserve compassion and do not deserve to have their stories thrown out. This record DOES intend to disparage those who manipulate these very real feelings and curiosities for their own gain or for the purpose of a cheap prank. Fabricated alien encounters are a topic of particular interest for me precisely because of how they manipulate the interests of a group desperately searching for some confirmation of an experience or belief they find isolating. Whether they originate from believers or skeptics, all of these incidents have this in common.